The pendulum swings

2024 • October 9, 2024

I can’t help but notice how differently autumn is landing for me this year. You too? 

There’s a palpable shift in the air, and it’s not just the crisp breeze or the scent of pumpkin and apple everything. 

When I’m wandering through the falling leaves, surrounded by a gaggle of runner ducks seriously hunting for slugs, I’m contemplating more deeply than usual. I’m connecting with nature more consistently and feeling the calling to step up in a bigger, more intentional way. 

Remember all those times I’ve name-dropped the divine feminine over the years? Those casual references that maybe piqued your curiosity but never quite got the full explanation they deserved?  Those tidbits that left you thinking, “What’s she talking about?” 

Well, it’s time to rip off the cosmic band-aid; the time has come. The pendulum is swinging, and we’re at a crucial tipping point. 

For eons, our world has been dominated by extreme masculine energy. You know the drill – push harder, move faster, climb higher, preferably while bench-pressing a car. And no matter the cost. But now? Now we’re witnessing a monumental shift. The pendulum is swinging back toward centre, toward integration and balance.

And here’s where it gets personal – for you, for me, for all of us.

This shift isn’t just some abstract concept or New Age fluff.  It’s a tangible change that’s going to affect every aspect of our lives. How we relate to ourselves, to others, to our work, to our planet – it’s all up for a beautiful, sometimes messy, always transformative recalibration. Think of it as cosmic chiropractic adjustment, but for your soul.

But – change, even positive change, can be disorienting. And as this pendulum swings, there’s a risk of getting caught in the confusion, of losing our footing in the turn. And cosmic vertigo is not covered by most health plans. (I’m only slightly joking here)

That’s why I knew the time was now to create the “Divine Feminine Rising” course. It’s about understanding what’s happening AND equipping you with the tools to ride this wave of change with more grace than a swan and more power than a duck’s quack (which, fun fact, can be heard from space… okay, I made that up, but you believed it for a second, didn’t you?).

In this 4-week journey, we’ll explore:

  1. The foundations of the Divine Feminine (spoiler: it’s not just for women, and no, we won’t be burning our bras… unless you really want to)
  2. How to recognize and embrace your inner wisdom (it’s in there, I promise, probably hiding behind your inner critic’s unnecessarily large desk)
  3. Practical ways to cultivate and express your feminine gifts (no, being able to find lost items in the fridge doesn’t count… or does it?)
  4. How to embody Divine Feminine wisdom in your everyday life (warning: may cause spontaneous outbursts of compassion and random acts of nurturing)

I’m not talking about rejecting masculinity or flipping to another extreme. I’m talking about integration, balance, and really tuning into a wellspring of power that’s been undervalued for far too long. 

So – as I watch my ducks figure out their world with such instinctive grace (well, except for Mozza – don’t ask), I’m constantly reminded of the innate wisdom we all carry. That’s why this course is about reconnecting with that wisdom, remembering you who you really are beneath the layers of “should” and “must” that society has piled on us like a cosmic game of Jenga.

We’re going to explore what this pendulum swing means for you personally so you can not just weather this change, but thrive in it. 

Are you ready to rise with the Divine Feminine? Or at the very least, are you curious enough to see if I can squeeze in any more duck puns? (I can.)

I’ll share more soon.

With love, a touch of autumn magic, and a generous sprinkling of cosmic humour.

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