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Spring Speaks with Marielle Croft and Jonni Gray
Dr Jonni


Spring Speaks with Marielle Croft and Jonni Gray



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While Mother Nature is rubbing her winter eyes and teasing us with green possibility, the sky is staging its own seasonal transformation. And this spring’s celestial script has more plot twists than your favourite binge-worthy drama.

So I’ve asked my cosmic co-conspirator, astrologer Marielle Croft, to help decode this astrological screenplay. Together, we’ll go through spring’s planetary shifts with Mercury and Venus doing the backstroke, slow-moving planets dipping their toes in new signs, and eclipses revealing what’s been hiding in plain sight.

Spring 2025 is serving up a buffet of transition and transformation. Dip in!

Jonni: Marielle, as we get close to the spring equinox, there’s that familiar energy of renewal in the air. But I sense this year’s cosmic configuration might be giving us something a bit more… complex? What’s happening on March 20th?

Marielle: The spring equinox occurs on Thursday, March 20th, 2025, at 2:03 am, PDT. That’s when the Sun leaves Pisces to go into Aries. However, the season starts on an unstable footing. Both Mercury and Venus are retrograde in the first part of Aries and heading back into Pisces until they turn direct again mid-April.

It feels as if the new (Aries) needs to be reviewed and meditated upon (Pisces) before a real new start can take place. The Spring season doesn’t give a clear direction. It’s as if the world is waiting for the next thing… which remains uncertain. The old and the new collide, making it difficult to come to any form of agreement or forward direction.

Jonni: Well, from a transpersonal perspective, this dance between Aries and Pisces feels like we’re being asked to integrate our spiritual insights before charging ahead with new beginnings. As though the universe is saying, “Yes, it’s time for rebirth, but please bring your wisdom with you.” Now, what about Mars, the ruler of Aries? How is it influencing this spring energy?

Marielle: Aries’ owner, Mars, just turned direct in the sign of Cancer on February 23rd. Mars in Cancer can be passive and hesitant and easily stepped over without taking a firm stand. We don’t feel any real leadership. On the other hand, Mars in Cancer (water sign) is in harmony with Saturn-Neptune-North Node in Pisces. This suggests that wisdom is working behind the scenes and waiting for the best time to operate.

There are clearly people acting toward peace, behind the scenes, and when the time is right, their invitation to peaceful and humanitarian choices may be quite powerful and inspiring enough to attract followers. This could begin to show up more in 2026 when Saturn and Neptune will finally establish themselves at the beginning of Aries. The Zero point of Aries is the MOST POWERFUL point of the entire zodiac. It is called “God’s point.” That’s the point from which everything begins and develops and grows and matures.

Jonni: I love that image of wisdom working behind the scenes. It reminds me that transformation usually happens in the quiet spaces before it becomes visible. Can you talk more about these retrograde planets you mentioned? Venus and Mercury are both backing up into Pisces?

Marielle: Yes, Venus is retrograde from March 2nd to April 11th, between 10 degrees in Aries and 24 in Pisces, while Mercury is retrograde from March 15th to April 6th, between 9 degrees in Aries and 26 degrees in Pisces. As you can see, they overlap the same degrees. The new (Aries) needs to review its steps in the path of wisdom (Pisces).

Jonni: This double retrograde feels like a powerful invitation to slow down and reflect before leaping into action. In transpersonal work, the most sustainable new beginnings come after periods of deep integration and letting go. I’m sure readers are curious about the bigger planetary picture though. I understand several slow-moving planets are testing new waters?

Marielle: Indeed, we’re seeing several planets briefly dipping into new signs this year:

Neptune will leave Pisces to go into Aries on March 31st, 2025, then goes retrograde on July 6th to return into Pisces on October 23rd, 2025.

Saturn will leave Pisces to go into Aries on May 25th, 2025, then goes retrograde on July 14th to return into Pisces on September 1st, 2025.

Uranus will leave Taurus to go into Gemini on July 7th, 2025, then goes retrograde on September 7th to return into Taurus on November 8th, 2025.

The “slow” moving planets are Pluto, Neptune, and Uranus. Their orbit is so large that they remain on the same 2-3 degrees for 3 to 5 years. Just for comparison, the Sun, Mercury, or Venus remains on a degree only one day, Mars for 2-3 days. The slow planets’ influence is expressed at the global level rather than the individual’s – unless they connect with a person’s Sun, Moon, or Ascendant.

These slow planets have been at the end of their respective signs for the past 4-5 years. In astrology, the end of a sign indicates the end of a cycle, journey, or time. The beginning of signs indicates “new times,” “new cycles,” “new evolution.”

All three slow-moving planets, accompanied by Saturn, are testing their hands in the new waters of new signs briefly this year before returning to the end of the familiar sign. It’s only in winter 2026 that they’ll move permanently into the new signs. Pluto is the first one having made the permanent jump from Capricorn into Aquarius on November 19th, 2024.

Jonni: This really paints a picture of 2025 as a transitional year. Kind of a cosmic waiting room of sorts. Liminal spaces like these often feel uncomfortable, but they’re incredibly potent for growth. It’s like we’re collectively standing on the threshold between what was and what will be. Speaking of transitions, I know we’re also in eclipse season!

Marielle: Yes, on March 13th, we had a Full Moon with a total eclipse of the Moon. Moon at 23 degrees Virgo, Sun at 23 degrees Pisces.

Pisces’ owner Neptune is still at home in the sign. We also find the North Node in Pisces, indicating deepening and progress in the path of wisdom, kindness, empathy, and compassion. The Sun and Saturn complete the team in Pisces. Saturn and Sun help with profound reflection, meditation, and vision.

The most natural way to align with the very high frequencies of Pisces is to “dream.” To dream a vision of harmony and peace in the world is quite powerful at this time. Such dreams are projected into the Quantum space or Unified field where everything takes place before manifesting in the physical world. Dream profoundly to create the NEW world emerging.

The Moon eclipsed in Virgo carries an energy of observation, as if remaining in waiting. When a luminary is eclipsed, at first we don’t see, then we see from very deep within, which is the place of Wisdom.

Jonni: What a beautiful invitation to actively dream our collective future into being! This reminds me of the power of Jung’s collective unconscious. Our individual dreams and visions contribute to the larger field. You mentioned another eclipse coming at the end of March?

Marielle: On March 29th, we have a New Moon with a partial eclipse of the Sun in Aries. Mercury and Venus are still very retrograde. We want to move forward but are not clear what’s best. We may feel pushed into decision-making without being ready, or the situations aren’t ripe enough to ensure the result is what’s expected or best.

As much as possible, try to wait until you are very clear before moving forward in important matters… and being patient here may mean waiting a few more weeks if not months.

Jonni: This patience you’re describing seems so counter-cultural to our “act now” society, but so essential for authentic growth. It makes me think about how true transformation usually asks us to sit with uncertainty rather than rushing to premature action. Are there other significant lunar events later in the season?

Marielle: Yes, on May 12th, the Full Moon involves Uranus (26 degrees in Taurus; Sun 22 degrees in Taurus; Moon 22 degrees in Scorpio), with Saturn at 28 Pisces & North Node at 25 Pisces.

All these planets connect in a rectangular formation, a sacred geometry called “rectangle of the Mystic.” This Full Moon carries energies at a very deep level of awakening and healing. The will to transform and align with our highest consciousness is very much at work. It’s not spectacular in the outer world but rather profoundly experienced on an intimate level.

On May 26th, the New Moon is completely different… Sun and Moon at 6 degrees in Gemini, in harmony with Saturn-Neptune freshly dipping into Aries, in harmony with Pluto in Aquarius… there is a feeling of lightness and fresh air… a breath of hope and joy.

Jonni: Those May lunations sound like a beautiful progression. From internal mystical experience to a more outward expression of hope. I love it. It feels like we’re being guided through a process of inner alchemy before we can truly accept the new. Now, I’m curious about that Mars-Pluto opposition you’ve mentioned in previous conversations. Is that still playing out?

Marielle: Mars opposition Pluto always indicates tension, natural cataclysms, or conflicts of some sort.

Mars made its first of 3 oppositions to Pluto on November 3rd, 2024. Around that date, there was an earthquake in California.

The 2nd opposition, when retrograde, was on January 3rd, 2025 – Los Angeles experienced fires impossible to extinguish because of high winds. Mars represents fire; Pluto represents uncontrollable chaos.

The 3rd and final opposition with both planets direct occurs on April 26th, 2025. Usually, the 3rd encounter completes the story and is typically milder than the previous ones.

Jonni: This Mars-Pluto dance feels like it’s asking us to face our relationship with power on both personal and collective levels. These kinds of cosmic configurations usually illuminate shadow material that needs integration. What would you say is the most important advice for people trying to manage themselves this spring season?

Marielle: In such confused times, it’s important to remember who we are and to remain aligned with our dignity and sovereignty. Several spiritual teachers invite us to manage our fear. The chaotic flow in the world could cause people to fall into fear. Falling into fear is giving one’s power away to external influences.

Remaining aligned with our true identity and sovereignty, staying grounded, and cultivating humanitarian values and love – including self-love – feeds a positive and harmonious egregore which becomes a powerful force that can topple the negative ones.

Jonni: That’s so wise, Marielle. I know in transpersonal psychology, we see crisis not just as breakdown but as potential breakthrough. It’s always an opportunity to discover deeper aspects of our authentic nature. Your guidance to stay anchored in sovereignty rather than fear feels especially relevant as we move through these transitional cosmic waters.

Thank you for sharing these insights about Spring 2025. It seems we’re being called to patience, reflection, and conscious dreaming as we stand at the threshold of significant collective transformation.

Marielle: Thank you, Jonni, for your thoughtful questions and for bringing the transpersonal perspective to our conversation. It always adds such richness to our exploration of these cosmic energies.

I wish all your readers a spring of gentle awakening and sovereign presence. May we all dream wisely as we co-create this next chapter together, stepping with awareness into the dance between endings and beginnings that this season brings.

Jonni: Until our stars align for summer’s story, Marielle.

I’ll be over here, letting spring teach me how to wait and bloom at the same time,


Spring Speaks with Marielle Croft and Jonni Gray

Hi, I'm Jonni

With 35 years of experience and a PhD in transpersonal psychology, I blend deep wisdom with grounded presence, helping you find clarity and meaning in each chapter of your unfolding story.

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