Remember when I told you about divine timing showing up in unexpected ways? Well, I need to share something that happened just before my birthday that perfectly captures what 2025 is asking of us.
I had a conversation with my future self. (Stay with me here…)
It started as a simple letter-writing exercise – you know, one of those “dear future me” moments. But what happened next surprised me. Because it wasn’t just about writing to her – it was about her writing back. And suddenly, there I was, in the most intimate conversation of my life with… myself.
Okay, so here’s the part that cracked everything wide open for me.
Future me said something that stopped me in my tracks: “You’re so focused on becoming stronger to handle the hard stuff – but, you’ve already mastered surviving. What you’re really healing for is the ability to fully receive goodness, to let joy stay instead of pushing it away, to trust that happiness isn’t just visiting some days, but has come to live with you permanently.”
When I wrote back asking her how she got to that place of knowing, something shifted. The conversation became … well…real, detailed, intimate. It was like time itself bent a little to let these versions of me meet in the middle.
I’m sharing this now because I sense 2025 is asking something unusual of all of us. From each of us. It’s calling us to have conversations we’ve never had before – even (especially) with ourselves. I’m not talking about setting intentions or making vision boards, but creating an actual relationship with our future selves, who already know why everything is unfolding exactly as it is.
I mean, think about it – we’re living in a time where the old rules about how things “should” happen are dissolving. Where divine timing is becoming more visible than ever. And maybe that’s because our future selves are getting louder, more insistent about showing us the way.
Anyway, I’ve tucked my letters away (with a reminder in my calendar for December 2025 to continue the conversation), but their impact remains. They’ve given me not just a plan, but a undeniable willingness to trust in what’s unfolding.
So, if you’re feeling called to start your own conversation, January 2025 holds perfect timing for this. Your future self is waiting, and they have some fascinating things to tell you about why now is exactly the right time for everything that’s happening in your life.
I’ll speak with you soon. In the meantime, I’ll be dancing with future me,