How are you?
Remember last week when I told you about the unexpected timing of becoming a duck mama? Well, the universe apparently has a sense of humour about timing (and maybe about my upcoming birthday too).
This Saturday, January 11th, I’m celebrating one of those milestone birthdays. You know, the ones where you can’t quite believe the number matches how you feel inside? But I just discovered that this particular January 11th marks the beginning of an extraordinary 18-month cycle focused on – wait for it – divine timing. (I promise I couldn’t make this stuff up if I tried.)
It’s like the universe planned this wink to say: “Oh, you think you understand timing? Here’s your birthday gift – a whole new way of seeing how time works!“
And I sense that’s exactly what 2025 is asking of all of us. I’m noticing that the invitation to see the sacred in the everyday is everywhere. And trusting the timing even when (especially when) it doesn’t match our carefully crafted plans.
A woman I know has been running her business like a perfectly tuned Swiss watch for years. But recently, she felt an inexplicable pull to soft stop her biggest project right in the middle of launch season. Everyone thought she was crazy. It wasn’t a logical move. But then, three days later, an opportunity landed in her lap that would never have been possible if she’d been knee-deep in that launch.
That’s what I mean about divine timing. I told you last week it’s not about good timing or bad timing. Think of it more like trusting the deeper rhythm, even when it seems to be playing a completely different song than the one we thought we were humming.
And now we’re entering a fascinating period where the line between our everyday timing and soul timing is getting deliciously blurry.
To be clear, the universe is definitely saying, “Hey, remember how you used to separate your spiritual life from your regular life? Yeah, we’re not doing that anymore.”
Understanding your own soul’s timing for earthly experiences is about knowing when to act and when to wait, as well as recognizing the brilliant design that’s created through every moment of your life.
That’s why I’m working away at something special for you this February. Your soul probably already knows about it (souls are sneaky that way).
And in the meantime, I’ll be over here contemplating how my milestone birthday somehow perfectly aligned with this timing shift (and yes, probably eating pie for breakfast – because sometimes divine timing looks a lot like perfect pie timing).
Humming with time (and birthday candles),
P.S. If you’ve been feeling like time isn’t quite behaving normally lately, no, you’re not imagining it. That’s your soul’s timing getting louder… If you want to walk through that alignment and integration with me, start here.