The Divine Feminine is calling (and she’s ready to rebalance & rebuild)

2024 • October 3, 2024

Remember that promise I made about offering a course this season? Well, hold onto your chakras, because it’s happening!

But before I get into that, I’m finding myself in a state of timeless bliss, thanks to my six-week-old Runner Ducks. There’s something magical about watching these little beings figure out their world with such presence and curiosity. They’re completely in the moment, whether swimming or instinctively remembering what to do with a slug (yup, ew). And it’s got me thinking about our own innate wisdom and how we can tune into that same sense of timelessness and connection.

Which brings me to the exciting news I promised:

Starting November 1st, I’m launching a 4-week online course called “Divine Feminine Rising: A Call to Personal and Planetary Healing.”

I can tell you now that this isn’t just another online course. It goes into the heart of feminine wisdom within individuals of all genders, not just in women. And, it’s your chance to nurture a new paradigm in a world that’s crying out for balance. 

Why now? Well, (gestures broadly at everything) – the world’s on fire (literally and metaphorically), and the old ways are clearly not cutting it. 

The world is in transition, and your lifetime of experiences has prepared you for this moment of transformation.

That subtle shift you feel is the divine feminine stirring, inviting you to listen. 

🌟 I want to guide you from feeling overwhelmed by the world’s intensity, to channelling your sensitivity with nuanced wisdom and gentle strength. 

🌟 I want you to feel centred, serene, and at the same time, vibrating with quiet power. 

🌟 I want you to find that sweet spot between engagement and preservation, where your intuition flows freely, and your presence alone brings calm to chaos.

If you want to go from wondering if you missed your moment to realizing you ARE the moment, from being you – but with the volume turned up – this course supports you in being more vibrant, more intuitive, and more connected.

So, over the next few weeks, I’ll be sharing more details about what you can expect. But for now, here’s a question to sit with:

What would it feel like to fully accept and embody your divine feminine wisdom in a world that desperately needs it?

Stay tuned, divine beings. The journey is about to begin.

With love and a sprinkle of duck feathers,


P.S. If you’re scratching your head thinking, “Divine feminine what now?”, this is for you.

You know how the world’s been running on this “bigger, faster, stronger” vibe for, like forever? Well, the divine feminine is about flipping that script and integrating the whole shebang.. It’s not about girl power (though that’s awesome too). It’s about all of us – yeah, guys too – tuning into intuition, empathy, and actually giving a damn about each other and this rock we’re spinning on.

It’s like, imagine if instead of always trying to climb over each other to get to the top, we started thinking, “Hey, maybe we could, I don’t know, work together?” 

And it’s not just about holding hands and singing Kumbaya (unless that’s your jam, then go for it). It’s about realizing that maybe, just maybe, Mother Earth isn’t just a big ball of resources for us to use up. It’s about looking at the mess we’re in and thinking, “Huh, maybe those ancient goddesses were onto something.”

This isn’t just some woo-woo trend. The stars are literally aligning for this shift. We’re moving into this Age of Aquarius thing (cue the song), which is all about breaking down old, crusty ways of thinking and embracing this collective, “we’re all in this together” vibe.

So, whether you’re a dude, a lady, or anywhere in between, this divine feminine stuff is for you. It’s about living in a true balance and so much more.

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 Become ‘the universally attuned person’ with insights that blend the spiritual with the psychological and the universal with the personal. Discover how to sync with the rhythms of the universe and evolve through life's challenges. It’s solving problems by transforming through them.