Mother Nature seems to be trading her summer sequins for autumn’s cozy cardigan. And all the while the cosmos is plotting its own wardrobe malfunction.
So, I’ve enlisted the stellar sleuthing skills of astrologer Marielle Croft, to decode this celestial fashion show for us.
We’re going to pirouette through Pluto’s power play, tango with some tipsy retrogrades, and eclipse your expectations. Fall 2024 is dropping leaves and cosmic truth bombs.
Ready to rake them in?
But before we get into it, let me give you a quick update from Duckling Central (aka my personal solar system). In an astrological blink of an eye – or two Earth weeks – I’ve undergone my own celestial shift. I’ve traded the goth brooder box (my personal black hole) for Duckingham Palace and The Courtyard – essentially upgrading from a dwarf planet to a shining supernova. My workspace has expanded faster than the universe itself!

Now that you’ve had a peek into my personal constellation, let’s zoom out to the bigger celestial picture. After all, my shuffle is just a tiny twinkle in the grand galactic disco ball of Fall 2024.
I’ve known and worked with Marielle Croft for over 25 years now, and she’s still the astrological stargazer I prefer. We had our seasonal chat the other day…
Jonni: Welcome, Marielle! We’re getting closer to the Fall Equinox, so can you start by telling us about its significance and what energy it brings?
Marielle: Certainly! The Fall Equinox arrives on Sunday, September 22nd, 2024, at 5:45 am PDT. This is when the Sun leaves Virgo and enters Libra. Equinox means “equal” day and night – 12 hours each. It’s a time for balance, recentring, and relaxing into harmony.
There’s a special feel in this Venus-owned sign. The hard work of farming is done, harvest is almost complete, and now we can enjoy company, hobbies, and beauty. In fact, Libra is the social sign of the zodiac, the one that enjoys company, graces, and the niceties of life.
Jonni: That’s a beautiful way to describe the transition into Fall. And I know that from a transpersonal psychology perspective, this balance of day and night can symbolize the integration of our conscious and unconscious selves, so it’s an excellent time for introspection and aligning our inner world with our outer experiences. I know you agree.
Marielle, I understand there’s an interesting astronomical event we might be able to observe this Fall. Can you tell us more about that?
Marielle: Yes, there’s a fun fact to share! If we’re lucky, we might observe with the naked eye the return of the comet Tsuchinshan Atlas after it circled around the Sun all year, now emerging back from behind. We might (or might not) see it in our sky sometime in October. Let’s cross our fingers and watch.
Jonni: That’s exciting! The appearance of a comet is also a symbol of change or a harbinger of significant events. It might represent an opportunity for expanded consciousness or a cosmic reminder of our place in the universe.
You mentioned it’s likely to be intense and perhaps even surprising, Fall. Can you elaborate on that?
Marielle: Absolutely. Let’s start by engaging with Pluto. As you know, it has been going back and forth between the last degrees of Capricorn and the first ones of Aquarius since early 2023. Pluto is a planet of power. When it lands in one’s life, it creates a situation that can’t be ignored and must be taken care of, always leaving a permanent change or transformation.
If we respond to Pluto with attempts to control or resist – which are the shadows or negative sides of Pluto – we lose. It’s better to embrace and co-create with the situation presented, even if it’s often unpleasant or challenging. Once Pluto leaves the scene, if we’ve navigated as well as possible, we’re left stronger and clearer.
Jonni: That’s a powerful insight, Marielle. I often talk about the transformative power of crises or challenging situations. It seems that Pluto’s energy aligns well with this concept because it can push us to growth and self-realization through intense experiences.
You mentioned that Pluto will leave Capricorn for good in December 2024. I’m sure that’s significant, but what does this shift hold?
Marielle: This is indeed a significant shift. Pluto will establish residence in Aquarius for about 20 years. Capricorn represents the structures of society – be they political, educational, economic, environmental, and more. Capricorn likes to preserve and maintain. In the long flow of evolution, this attitude could cause stagnation or corruption. When it happens, it’s a sure sign of its decline until its rebirth into a new form of system.
Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008 and introduced itself with a bang – as you may remember, it was the dramatic economic crisis in the USA and Europe, particularly in Greece. Following came the aging of infrastructures in large cities, which needed to be repaired or redone completely at high costs. The consequences of climate change have become more and more dramatic. In most sectors of services, there is a lack of workers. Medical systems are overloaded with also a lack of staff. The same goes for school and education.
Jonni: Well, this certainly paints a vivid picture of the global challenges we’ve been facing. These collective crises can also be seen as opportunities for societal evolution and collective consciousness-raising. So, as we move into this Aquarian era, how do you see this energy manifesting?
Marielle: The wind is about to change. Aquarius is a sign of awakening and even enlightenment. It is the most humanitarian sign of the zodiac. Universal brotherhood is natural in that sign. Pluto might begin to pass the power into new hands, the hands that are capable of leading with consciousness – meaning with care for life and the welfare of all.
In typical Pluto fashion, the transfer will certainly be very loud and intense. Do we already see some of it with the mass protests in Israel against the abuses of the war? We might see more of it elsewhere in the world, too, as time unfolds. Aquarius is about collaboration and community. It is a powerful sign with currently powerful influences. We may have no choice but to choose if we want to keep things as they were (an impossible task) or to move forward on new and unknown territories and create them as we go with the power of love and togetherness. That’s the Aquarian Era, after all.
Jonni: I love this! It aligns beautifully with transpersonal concepts of collective evolution and the expansion of global consciousness. It’s good to know that astrological forces support a shift towards more humanitarian and conscious leadership.
Now, let’s talk about some of the planetary movements this Fall. Can you tell us about the retrogrades we’ll be experiencing?
Marielle: Certainly. We have several retrogrades to be aware of:
- Mercury will be retrograde from November 26th to December 15th, 2024, between 22 and 6 degrees in Sagittarius. This will likely cause delays or mistakes in travel, legal issues, and education. It’s an excellent time to study anything of interest, though not so good for important investments or contracts that will engage for a long time.
- Mars will retrograde from December 7th, 2024, to February 23rd, 2025, between 6 degrees in Leo and 17 degrees in Cancer. This may feel quite impactful, even globally, as it’ll cross back and forth an opposition to Pluto at 1 degree in Aquarius. Such intensity could trigger more war distressful actions or violent situations in general.
- Jupiter continues retrograding in Gemini from October 10th, 2024, until February 4th, 2025. There’s lots of enthusiasm coming with this position, but it’s constantly tempered because of the square with Saturn in Pisces.
- Saturn has been retrograding since June 30th between 19 and 12 degrees in Pisces, and will resume its direct motion on November 15th.
- Uranus just started its retrograde cycle from September 2nd, 2024, until January 30th, 2025, when it was between 27 and 23 degrees in Taurus.
- Neptune’s retrograde cycle is from July 3rd to December 7th, 2024, between 29 and 27 degrees in Pisces.
- Pluto’s retrograde cycle is from May 3rd to October 11th, 2024, between 2 degrees in Aquarius and 29 degrees in Capricorn.
Jonni: That’s a lot of retrograde energy, but I know there are always opportunities for introspection and re-evaluation. It feels like this Fall will be a powerful time for inner work and reassessing our direction, both individually and collectively. Understood.
Lastly, Marielle, can you tell us about the eclipses we’ll be experiencing this Fall?
Marielle: Of course. We have three significant lunar events:
- On September 17th, the Moon partially eclipsed at 25 degrees in Pisces, just between Saturn and Neptune. This powerful eclipse will likely create a profound spiritual awakening for some or complete disconnection for others.
- We have a New Moon on October 2nd at 10 degrees in Libra with an annular eclipse of the Sun. This lunation is in great harmony with Jupiter. We have a feeling of lightness and harmony in the air. It’s a very pleasant new beginning.
- Lastly, at the Full Moon on October 17th, the “super” Full Moon is at 24 degrees in Aries with an “almost” eclipse. This one is also rather cool but with a hint of irritability in domestic affairs due to a square to Mars, its owner.
Jonni: These eclipses sound like they’ll bring some powerful energies our way – accelerated growth and transformation, for sure. The Pisces eclipse, in particular, seems to offer a chance for deep spiritual experiences and potential breakthroughs in consciousness. Love it.
Thank you so much, Marielle, for sharing these insights with us. Your astrological forecast gives us much to reflect on and prepare for as we enter this Fall season.
Marielle: It’s always such a pleasure to reconnect with all of you this way. Let’s talk again at the Winter solstice. Happy Season to you and your ducks, Jonni. Happy Season to you all.
Alright, there’s a lot to think about, so as you float back to Earth (or whatever planet you call home), remember: even when the cosmos throws you curveballs, you’ve got the bat. Swing for the stars, but don’t forget to duck!
Cosmically yours, with a side of quack,
P.S. If the cosmic chaos gets a bit overwhelming and you find yourself needing a compassionate ear at 3 AM (because life’s challenges rarely stick to business hours), remember: my 24/7 Unlimited Emailing/Texting service is here for you, like a gentle beacon in the night sky. Whether you’re moving through an asteroid field of emotions or simply need someone to remind you that yes, this too shall pass, I’m here to listen and support. No need to wait for the perfect moment – your message will reach me any time, day or night. Because in this vast universe, everyone deserves a safe space to share their thoughts and feelings, whenever they arise. You’re not alone in this cosmic journey, and sometimes, a supportive message can be the north star that helps guide you home.