How to go from summer sizzle to autumn drizzle

2024 • August 28, 2024

Can you feel that subtle shift in the air? It feels like change carried on the breeze.
We’re standing on the threshold between summer and fall, and it’s not just the leaves that are getting ready to transform.

But before I get into this transition, let me give you a quick update from Duckling Central (aka my office). Remember those eggs I mentioned? Well, they hatched! I now have 10 adorable little Runner Ducklings peeping away in their goth brooder box (yes, you read that right – it used to be a Halloween coffin prop) right beside my desk. Talk about a tangible metaphor for new beginnings!

Now, let’s zoom out from my impromptu duck nursery and explore what this seasonal transition means for our psyches.

In transpersonal psychology, we often talk about the collective unconscious, but there’s also a collective conscious experience of the seasons.

Summer’s expansive energy is beginning to wane, and we’re in a unique liminal space. It’s like standing in a doorway where you’re no longer fully in one room, but not quite in the next. This threshold holds immense potential for change and transformation, like my little ducklings transitioning from eggs to fluffy bundles of joy.

There’s a palpable sense of hope in the air during this time, isn’t there? The cooling temperatures are promising new beginnings. But fall’s energy isn’t about hope as much as action.

And this creates an interesting psychological paradox.

We’re filled with the optimism of new possibilities, yet simultaneously faced with the need to buckle down and prepare for the months ahead. It’s like my ducklings – full of potential, but needing to grow quickly to face the world outside their cozy brooder.

So, how do you work with this paradox? How do you honour both the dreamer and the doer within you?

Here’s what I’ve been recommending lately. They’ll help you align with this transitional energy:

  1. Find a doorway in your home. Sit right in the middle, with one half of your body in each room. Spend 10 minutes here daily, contemplating what you’re leaving behind (summer room) and what you’re moving towards (fall room). It may sound silly, but it really does help.
  2. Take a cue from my feathered friends. Ducklings imprint on the first moving thing they see after hatching. Visualize yourself “hatching” into your fall self. What’s the first thing you want this new you to imprint on? Meditate on this image daily.
  3. Choose a new scent (essential oil, fragrance, or even a tea) that feels like fall for you. Use it only when you’re working on fall goals or plans. Over time, this scent will become a powerful anchor for your productive “fall self.”

Now that you’re aware of this potent time of transition, you’ll want to actively use it. I’ve been talking to clients about this method:

Take some time to consciously recognize this in-between space. Journal about what it feels like to be neither here nor there. Reflect on your summer experiences. What growth did you experience? What joy did you encounter? What frustration stands out? Thank this version of yourself for all it’s been through.

Then, think about who you want to be and what you want to experience and accomplish this fall. It wouldn’t hurt to create a detailed vision of your ideal fall self. Maybe even your fall self a nickname. (Yes, I’m ‘duck mama’ this fall.)

You can also design a personal ritual to mark your crossing from summer to fall. Something as simple as a special meal or as elaborate as a personal retreat. Rituals are important to honour and acknowledge yourself and what you’re going through and to.

Then, choose one small action that your “fall self” would take. Do it today, no matter how small. Because, like my ducklings growing a little each day, big transformations happen through small, consistent actions.

You know, as I watch these tiny ducklings figure out their new world, I see a perfect balance of curiosity and caution. They’re eager to explore, but they always have one eye on their siblings and the safety of their brooder.

I think we could learn a lot from them as we manage our own threshold experiences. It’s okay to be excited about the future while also feeling a bit unsure. It’s natural, absolutely normal, to want to explore new territories while also seeking the comfort of the familiar.

And that’s what transition time is all about. We’re standing on this threshold between seasons. Acknowledge that. Accept your inner duckling who’s full of potential and new life AND your inner mother duck who’s wise, protective, and guiding.

Until next time, I hope your transitions are smooth, your potential is realized, and your path is as mercifully free of wet duck poop (trust me on this one) as possible.

Quacks and quantum leaps,


P.S. If you want to see these adorable agents of chaos – I mean, cute ducklings – in action, check out my Instagram @SunshineCoastQuackPack and @DrJonni. Warning: extreme cuteness overload.

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