I’m coming to you live from what I’ve affectionately dubbed “The Duck Incubation Station.” As I type this, I’m surrounded by the gentle hum of an incubator housing (now) 20 Runner duck eggs, all set to hatch on August 25th. Talk about a personal lesson in patience and potential.
But I want to zoom out from my impromptu duck nursery and talk about the dog days of summer. No, not those lazy afternoons when your pooch is sprawled out on the cool bathroom tiles (though that’s a mood, right?). I’m talking about a cosmic phenomenon that’s shaking up your August in ways you might not have expected.
First things first: did you know that the “dog days” actually have nothing to do with our furry friends? It’s all about Sirius, the Dog Star, the brightest star in our night sky. Way back when, ancient Egyptians noticed that Sirius rose just before the sun during late July and early August, coinciding with the annual flooding of the Nile. They saw this as a harbinger of new life and abundance.
Fast-forward to today, and we’re still feeling that Sirius energy. From August 3rd to August 11th, Sirius was in conjunction with the sun, beaming down a double dose of solar and stellar energy. It was like the universe was giving us a cosmic espresso shot! Did you feel it?

🌟 Sirius vibrates at a frequency of 432 Hz. You can create a playlist of music tuned to this frequency (you can find plenty on YouTube) and really immerse yourself in it daily to align with the natural vibration of the universe.
🌟 On a clear night, you could have found Sirius in the sky (the brightest star). But for now, go outside and visualize it and imagine drawing its energy into your third eye.
🌟 Take a walk with a dog (borrow one if you don’t have one). Pay attention to what catches their interest. With their heightened senses, dogs might be more attuned to subtle energies. Notice what they’re trying to show you.
🌟 Speaking of eggs (can you tell I’ve got eggs on the brain?), try this: write your intentions on an egg with a non-toxic marker. As you write, imagine the egg absorbing your desires. Then, cook and eat the egg, literally internalizing your intentions. I call it manifestation meets breakfast!
Anyway – the dog days are traditionally associated with lethargy, but paradoxically, they’re also a powerful time for transformation. So, if you want to leverage this energy now, here’s a 3-step process:
1️⃣ Just like my duck eggs, your ideas and intentions need time to develop; they need to incubate. Spend these August days in quiet contemplation and ask yourself what needs to hatch in your life.
2️⃣ As Sirius rose and fell, its light shone on your shadow aspects. What parts of yourself have you been keeping in the dark? Now’s the time to acknowledge. illuminate, and integrate them.
3️⃣ Now that it’s mid-August, you should feel a surge of energy. Use it to take bold action on your intentions. Remember, Sirius was seen as a sign of abundance – what abundance are you calling into your life? Ignite it!
As for me, well, I’ll be spending these dog days in a very literal incubation period. There’s something deeply moving about watching these eggs, knowing the potential life within them. It’s a reminder that we’re all cosmic eggs, holding the potential for incredible transformation.
And hey, if during our next Call, you hear some suspicious quacking in the background, just pretend you didn’t. It’s probably just my computer making strange noises. Definitely not a bunch of newly hatched ducklings learning to use their voices. Nope, not at all.
Until next time, keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground (unless you’re a duck, in which case, webbed feet in the water is perfectly acceptable).
Cosmic quacks and quantum leaps,
Jonni 🌟
P.S. If you’re curious about my duck adventures (and let’s be honest, who wouldn’t be?), you can follow along on Instagram @SunshineCoastQuackPack. Fair warning: the puns are fowl and plentiful!