Last call (for a deep, unwavering sense of connection)

2024 • July 19, 2024

This is my final reminder about the “Summer of Love Vibes: A 21-Day Heart & Soul Odyssey.” But before we dive into that, I want to talk about love for a moment.

You know, it’s funny. We’re taught so many things in life – how to tie our shoes, solve equations, even change a tire. But love? Real, pure, unconditional love? That’s something we’re often left to figure out on our own.

Sure, we know about romantic love, family love, even love for our pets. But what about love as a state of being? Love that radiates from within, touching everything and everyone around us? 

That kind of love isn’t just an emotion – it’s a vibration, a frequency we can tune into and amplify.

You can walk through life in a constant state of love. Not the mushy, Hollywood kind, but a deep, unwavering sense of connection to yourself, others, and the world around you. It’s like wearing rose-colored glasses, except they don’t distort reality – they reveal its true beauty.

Now, if you’re on the fence about signing up for this course, I get it. Maybe you’re thinking, “I don’t have time,” or “I’m not sure if this is for me.” 

But hear me out – if you’re reading this, some part of you is yearning for more love in your life. And the world needs your amplified love vibration more than ever.

This isn’t just about feeling good (though you will). It’s about becoming a beacon of love in a world that desperately needs it. It’s about transforming yourself and, by extension, the world around you.

So, what do you say? Are you ready to turn up the dial on your love frequency? To become the change you wish to see in the world? 

The journey starts this Sunday, and I’d be honoured to guide you through it.

Remember, love isn’t just something you fall into – it’s something you cultivate, nurture, and spread. And honey, you’ve got more love to give than you even realize.

With all my heart,


P.S. Registration closes today (Friday). Please don’t let fear or doubt hold you back from this experience. Your future self (and the world) will thank you.

P.S. Just got a lead on some ducks eggs – 12! Going to follow up on it today. My love antenna is working!

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 Become ‘the universally attuned person’ with insights that blend the spiritual with the psychological and the universal with the personal. Discover how to sync with the rhythms of the universe and evolve through life's challenges. It’s solving problems by transforming through them.