What’s love got to do with it? Everything.

2024 • July 14, 2024

Hey there, summer sunshine.

It’s Jonni here, sharing a little piece of my world with you today. Right now, I’m putting the finishing touches on something close to my heart—my Runner duck haven. We’re almost finished building Duckingham Palace and its Courtyard for my soon-to-be Quack Pack. While we don’t have any leads on the ducks yet, the excitement of creating a loving space for them is all about raising my own love vibration and witnessing the evolution of this little haven.

We all need spaces, both physical and emotional, where love can flourish and evolve. That’s exactly why I created my brand-new interactive course, “Summer of Love Vibes: A 21-Day Heart & Soul Odyssey,” and today, you can read all about it and sign up!🌟

While there’s no ducks or duck eggs in it, I can promise that it’s got a vibe that’ll have you feeling uplifted, inspired, and deeply connected to yourself and the world around you. It’s a heart-opening, love raising adventure that blends relatable activities with soul-expanding content. I designed it to guide you step by step, day by day to new heights and depths of love and awareness.

You’ll start each day with a powerful mantra, engage in multiple heart-opening activities throughout the day, take on evening reflection questions to stretch your love muscle, consider the spread-the-love challenges, expand your consciousness til the ‘groovy daily insights’ and drift off to sleep with love’s sweet dreams sendoffs – a full day of love from dawn to dusk! 

Above all, it’ll connect you to the universe in ways you’ve never imagined. It’s three weeks that’ll systematically elevate your vibration and rewire your heart and nervous regulators for maximum love output. And it’s all wrapped up in a warm, loving, slightly retro vibe that’s pure joy.

Love is what the world needs most right now, and your heart is ready to shine brighter than ever. This is your moment to step into a consistently building experience of self-discovery and universal connection. 

You can read more here. 

I’m deeply honoured to walk this path with you. And I know you’re not just signing up for a course—you’re stepping up and evolving your love vibration. 

With all my love and light,

Jonni 🌟

P.S. Your heart deserves this. 💖

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 Become ‘the universally attuned person’ with insights that blend the spiritual with the psychological and the universal with the personal. Discover how to sync with the rhythms of the universe and evolve through life's challenges. It’s solving problems by transforming through them.