This can be the Summer of Love 💖

2024 • June 22, 2024

Hey there, love bug. It’s Jonni from The Universally Attuned Person, and I’ve got a big, warm hug of a message for you today.

Is this the summer of love? Oh, I’m definitely feeling that. How about you?

I’m feeling that THIS is the summer of asking, “What do I love about myself?”  The summer of living love through your eyes, seeing the world with a heart wide open. The summer of beaming out vibrations of love to overpower the vibes of hate, violence, and judgment.

We’re at a tipping point on this lovely planet where we need more—much more—from each person. We need more love in all forms: self-love, community love, planet love…

Love is our natural state. I know that, and I know you do, too. But sometimes life throws us curveballs, and traumas of all kinds that can dim that love and block it from shining through. When that happens, we feel less joy, less abundance, less connection.

So, this summer, I want to support love in all forms for you. I want to help you make this the Summer of Love.

Can you imagine waking up each day and asking yourself, “What do I love about me today?” I mean, just feel the power of that simple question. I’ve been asking myself that every day for the last week, and it’s not as easy as it sounds. 

Do you want to see the beauty in the everyday moments, in your reflection, in your connections? I do too! That’s why I know that we can make it a season where love radiates from inside and spills out into everything we do.

I want you to live love through your eyes. To look around and see the world with compassion and kindness. To smile at strangers, hug your friends and family a little tighter, and take moments throughout the day to appreciate the small wonders around you. And I want you to beam out those love vibrations and watch them ripple through your communities, overpowering negativity with every heartfelt act.

That’s why this summer, I’m pledging to bring more love into my life. Will you make the pledge with me? I’m talking about more self-love, where you treat yourself with the kindness and respect you deserve. More community love, where you reach out and support one another, building bonds that uplift us all. More planet love, where you take steps to care for the earth, knowing that your actions matter.

And then watch this space for something LOVELY to take place in July and August that can fully support your love vibe. I’m cooking up something special to help you go deeper into this Summer of Love, and I can’t wait to share it with you. We all need support so I’m gonna bring it.

Until then, keep shining, keep loving (as best you can), and remember that you are a radiant beam of light in this world.

Sending you all my love,

Jonni 🌟

P.S. Something truly lovely is on its way, and I promise, it’s going to make your summer even brighter. 💖

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 Become ‘the universally attuned person’ with insights that blend the spiritual with the psychological and the universal with the personal. Discover how to sync with the rhythms of the universe and evolve through life's challenges. It’s solving problems by transforming through them.