Ready & available exactly when needed*

Uncategorized • September 28, 2023

Welcome to ‘A Time Traveller’s Life,’ your weekly guide through the transformative realms of transpersonal therapy and time travel. I’m honoured to explore the intricacies of the here and now with you.

Can I ask you something? How often have you found yourself at a crossroads in life, wanting an immediate answer that seems just out of reach? 

I know it happens to me. I think it happens to all of us. 

Maybe you’ve received an invitation but you’re not sure if it’s the “right” one for you. Or maybe you’re at a pivotal moment in a relationship or grappling with a major life decision that has you up late into the night. 

I bet you’re asking questions like, “Why me? Why now? Why this?” because these are questions I hear all the time, and I get it. I really do.

I speak to a lot of people in my practice who ask these questions, so I’ll use Em as an example, (because she said I could). I have monthly sessions with Em but last week she suddenly found herself at one of these critical junctures and it was in between our calls. She said she was stuck between two great opportunities: a stable job with benefits but limited growth, and a startup that offered her more freedom but came with its own set of risks. She told me she didn’t know what to do and couldn’t even get a good night’s sleep, but she needed to make a decision – yesterday. 

Sound familiar?

It’s in moments like these when we ache for some immediate guidance, a nudge of wisdom, a gentle hand guiding us to safety. So I thought—why not offer something for that specific need? Why not create a swift and impactful call to steer you through your present moment?

So, I’ve come up with something I’m really excited to share: Jonni-On-The-Spot Calls.  (Like the name? It was an obvious choice. I’ve been called it many times in this life.)

They’re 15-minute calls. Think of these sessions as your personal “compass of the soul,” calibrated to guide you with sensitivity, compassion, and a whole lotta upsight. (That’s code for higher insight. 😉)

These aren’t your run-of-the-mill, tick-tock consults. These are laser-focused 15-minute conversations designed to elevate your understanding of whatever issue has you on the edge. 

Think of them as a hug and explainer from the universe, lifting you up, centring your spirit, and helping you align with your true north. 

Maybe you’re considering making a life-changing decision, or you want immediate advice on a pressing moral dilemma, or hey, maybe you crave a quick burst of spiritual guidance, either way, these calls are like your pocket-sized sanctuary for soul-nourishing clarity. You won’t just be getting advice; you’ll be getting a piece of peace and the aha you’re looking for. 

And did I mention that this pocket-sized oasis is available from 8 am to 8 pm, 6 days a week? Yup. Because sometimes 9-5 Monday to Friday isn’t enough.

Who are these calls for? 

I created these Jonni-On-The-Spot Calls for you if you’ve worked with me before and find yourself at a spiritual or emotional impasse. If you’ve ever participated in one of my workshops or text-message courses or even had a channelled reading, this is your fast track to finding the answer that hits the spot now. 


People like to say that life doesn’t come with a guidebook, but who says you can’t have a co-pilot? Someone who understands the bends and curves in the road of *your* life and can guide you gently through them. 

That’s what Jonni-On-The-Spot aims to be: your own compassionate guide through the space-time maze of your life’s challenges and choices. They’ll steer you through your timeline with as much clarity, love, and kindness as you can accept.

Want the deets now so you can tuck it away for when you really need it? I got you.


  1. a person who is ready & available exactly when needed.


In the meantime, thank you so much for the feedback I received from introducing TIMELY, the TIMELY corner where I share handpicked nuggets that resonate with anyone living the time traveller’s life. Stuff that’s got me thinking, feeling, and talking. 

First on the list this week: Ever hear people shrug off past life talk because it’s usually ‘grown-ups’ doing the revealing? Well, Dr. Jim Tucker digs into a different angle, one that’s genuinely intriguing—kids recalling their past lives. If you’re open to knowing more, you’ll want to start here.

Maybe you want to start a time-travel series but are overwhelmed by the choices. Then check out these quick takes on five shows that absolutely nail the genre.

I’ve been a Doctor Who fan for like, forever, and the show’s hitting the big 6-0 soon! 🎉 if you’re thinking of diving into the Whoniverse, I’ve got your back. Here are 10 must-know deets about the Time Lord to get you started.

And if you have already watched Quantum Leap (the reboot) season 1, here’s the heads-up you need for season 2.

Were you as captivated by the movie Arrival as I was? Then there’s a fantastic deep-dive article that will enrich your appreciation even further. But if you haven’t caught the film yet, watch it first. For those who have, click here to unravel the layers of Arrival’s deeper meaning.

Do you ever find yourself scratching your head, thinking who’s got the insights on the best time-travel flicks? Well, I found recommendations straight from a metaphysicist. Intrigued?

And finally, if you’re clinging to the idea of rebirth as a balm for the sting of farewell, this read is for you. Dive in to explore the intricate dance between holding on and letting go. I couldn’t have said it better myself.

And that’s the scope. I’ll drop more timely wisdom nuggets your way next week.

Signing off until the next crossroads—remember, Jonni-On-The-Spot is just a call away for those timeline twists and turns.


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 Become ‘the universally attuned person’ with insights that blend the spiritual with the psychological and the universal with the personal. Discover how to sync with the rhythms of the universe and evolve through life's challenges. It’s solving problems by transforming through them.